Child Safeguarding and Protection Policy
Complaints, Grievance and Disciplinary
Confidentiality Policy
Data Protection Policy
Remote Therapy and Support Policy
Pre-Trial Therapy Policy
Children and Young People Competency (for Therapeutic Support) Policy
Vulnerable Adult Policy
Self-Harm and Suicide Procedure & Policy
Code of Conduct
Complaints, Grievance and Disciplinary
Confidentiality Policy
Data Protection Policy
Protected Disclosure (Whistle blowing)
Environmental Policy
Equality and Diversity
Expenses Policy
Recruitment and Selection Policy
Social Media Policy
Vulnerable Adult Policy
Volunteer Policy
Self-Harm and Suicide Procedure & Policy
Lone Working Policy
Conflict of Interest Policy
Outreach Forms
These forms are for use by volunteers when supporting clients
To be completed by clients accessing counselling. This form need to be emailed out to client by the allocated counsellor/support worker
To be completed after every session with client
This form needs to be completed weekly and emailed to outreach@cleanslate.org.uk
To be used when you have had your final session with client.
This form can be used anytime during your work with the client
To be used for Domestic Abuse cases
If a client is thinking of leaving or ending the relationship then this plan can be sent to client.
To be used by Domestic Abuse Champions to assess level of risk.
We at Clean Slate would like to give all our Volunteers the opportunity to gain skills through learning, you may have basic knowledge within the field you are working, we would like for you to take the opportunity to expand your knowledge through our training opportunities. We then hope that you would be confident enough to potentially go onto the next stage of Volunteering for us.
As a volunteer you will expected to attend all of the regular training and refreshers we have running throughout the year, depending on the relevancy to your role.
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